Sripath develops, manufactures, and markets innovative additives to enhance the performance of bitumen, asphalt, and polymer modified bitumen. With solutions spanning rejuvenators, oils, and polymers for both paving and roofing applications, Sripath remains an active leader and innovator across the bitumen and asphalt industries. Our blog serves as a repository for a variety of materials ranging from published technical papers to event archives and press releases, providing a centralized place for customers, partners, and other experts to learn more about Sripath’s latest offerings, industry opinions, product developments, and general resources. Explore content through category and topic lists using the side navigation, search based on keywords, or scroll through content in order of recency.
Understanding Anti-Strip Agents for Asphalt – Frequently Asked Questions
High-traffic pavements may deteriorate more quickly based on frequent use, constant wear, and heavier loads. Compounding the issue are wet weather conditions and exposure to fuel, both of which can worsen long-term durability of the pavement surface. Using an anti-strip agent for asphalt paving can provide additional protection and improve surface performance to protect against rutting, raveling, and [...]