Why should you use Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP)? The simple answer: Save money while maintaining performance!!
RAP reduces your need for virgin asphalt.
RAO reduces the need for virgin aggregate.
Save on your raw material costs. Conserve non-renewable resources. Reduce the amount of construction debris going into landfills!! The cost savings you realize will, of course, depend on the specifics of the job, the mix specification, raw material prices, … but a recent study by Sripath Technologies® on the use of their ReLIXER™ Rejuvenator supports the conventional wisdom of mix savings in the 5 -10% range.
RAP use creates a cycle of asphalt reuse that optimizes the use of natural resources and helps sustain the asphalt pavement industry.
Not all RAP is created equally. Check out next week’s blog to see where we will briefly discuss some ground rules for use and discuss how to evaluate RAP.