

AsphaltPro Magazine caters to roadway development and infrastructure professionals and executives across a number of disciplines including material supply, asphalt production, paving contracting, and quality assurance. The print magazine boasts a circulation of over 5,000 professionals, 50% of which are producers, and also has a robust online community and social media reach. The magazine is published 11 times a year and is designed as a reference and resource for those running plant or paving operations. Content includes innovation in technology and equipment, training modules, best practices, and safety guidelines across paving, production, and maintenance categories. AsphaltPro is overseen by Editor Sandy Lender.

RAP, Recycling / Rejuvenating Agents, and Roadway Sustainability

New drivers for sustainability in asphalt roadway production continue to arise as departments of transportation look to minimize their carbon footprint without sacrificing performance. A recent article published in the February 2025 issue of AsphaltPro highlights the importance of using higher amounts of recycled materials in roadway development through the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and an effective asphalt [...]

By |2025-03-04T17:46:18+00:00March 4th, 2025|Categories: Blog, In The Press|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Sripath Sheds Light on High-Rap Mix Production with ReLIXER® in AsphaltPro Magazine

Sripath was recently featured in the September issue of AsphaltPro with an article exploring high-RAP production through the use of an effective rejuvenator. The article details the industry evolution to more sustainable practices and higher RAP mixes as well as how vital sourcing, preparing, and sampling RAP properly are to the process. Other highlights include a closer look at [...]

By |2025-02-10T19:39:59+00:00October 28th, 2024|Categories: Blog, In The Press|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Sripath Sheds Light on High-Rap Mix Production with ReLIXER® in AsphaltPro Magazine

ReLIXER® Rejuvenates High-RAP Mix in VDOT Demo

article featured in the December issue of AsphaltPro The December 2022 issue of AsphaltPro magazine featured an article titled “VDOT Demo Rejuvenates High-RAP”.  The article highlights a paving project conducted in August 2022 in Ashburn, Virginia. ReLIXER®, an Asphalt Rejuvenator / Recycling Agent, formulated by Sripath Technologies®, was successfully used to pave high-RAP mixes on a roadway.   [...]

By |2025-02-10T19:16:59+00:00January 5th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Case Study / Industry Insights, In The Press|Tags: , , |Comments Off on ReLIXER® Rejuvenates High-RAP Mix in VDOT Demo

High-RAP Trials in Australia Requiring an Asphalt Rejuvenator Evaluate ReLIXER

With demand for more sustainability in asphalt paving practices, Australian departments of transportation are exploring asphalt rejuvenators that can help increase the amount of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) they can use in their mixes. Using more than 25% RAP in a mix requires the use of an effective rejuvenator or recycling agent to restore the functional properties of [...]

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