How can we key in on one person who works for a company that delivers over 18 million shipments per year with over 100,000 customers?? The only answer is, is that he is the person that we work with at that company. The person we call. The person we interact with. The person who gets us out of hot water (it does happen to all us!!). The person who answers that phone, and says that our problem is now his problem and that it will be handled! Our asphalt rejuvenation product delivery often would not be possible without him.

We would like to introduce and thank Greg Wiens from, by C. H. Robinson. He is our LTL go-to person. He solves our logistical problems. He makes sure that you get that shipment, when and where you want it!! Greg is a Senior Account Executive working out of the C. H. Robinson Kansas City Offices. He provides complete logistics solutions and makes things happen. The pandemic has made him even busier than ever. His phone has been ringing off the hook with people in a panic, looking for answers, when their traditional solutions were no longer available, or could no longer meet their needs. He is our Hero (without the cape) that makes our freight happen!!
Greg is an interesting guy who offers mentorship to inmates while they serve their time. His support assists them to rehabilitate and prepares them to transition back into society. He has a family of teachers, including his wife and children. In his free time, he plays a mean jazz trumpet.
In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, we are fortunate to have someone like Greg to assure us that everything will be ok. Thank you, Greg. We salute you as an unsung Sripath® hero. We shine a light on the life of service and support your lead to all around you.