As this uncertain time continues, it is important to recognize not only those on the front lines of public safety but also want to recognize and thank all the supply chain people who have supported all of the heroes who don’t wear capes. Without the drivers, dispatchers, schedulers, and all of their support people, the current uncertainties would certainly be extremely negative. They have kept us all going. We applaud and thank their efforts. Perhaps closer to home, these people have also allowed us, Sripath Technologies® to keep our business as “normal” as normal it can be. We are grateful for the support of these individuals in doing their jobs.
We ran across an article from the Transportation Research Board (TRB) on Supply Chain Resilience that is germane to the situation we find ourselves these days. The note talks about how the infrastructure, logistics, finances, communication, regulations, and institutional components all play a role in making a supply chain more resilient. Interesting reading for all!! Stay safe!!