Bitumen Quality


Changes in bitumen quality are challenging the industry as bitumen obtained from global crude sources lacks priority on bitumen output and end-user specifications. Bitumen has also become less of a necessary byproduct for producers in the wake of coking (or catalytic cracking), block running, synthetic crude use, and shale oil production. With variations in bitumen quality here to stay, additives and balanced mix design are rising in necessity to help contractors and departments of transportation meet performance requirements. While the bitumen production landscape shifts, Sripath remains at the forefront of industry developments and innovation to enhance bitumen mix performance.

Asphalt Additives – Roads & Infrastructure August 2021

"Sripath on path to bitumen enhancement. With demand for modified bitumen increasing worldwide, Sripath Technologies is ensuring bitumen manufacturers and contractors have access to quality additives to enhance bitumen performance..." Roads and Infrastructure - August 2021 Edition. Download the full article here.

By |2025-02-10T18:46:57+00:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: Bitumen Quality, Blog, Case Study / Industry Insights, In The Press|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Asphalt Additives – Roads & Infrastructure August 2021

Asphalt Rejuvenators – Roads and Infrastructure July 2021

"Sustainable asphalt rejuvenation and asphalt modification using environmentally friendly additives are often perceived in the industry as either impractical or too costly. Sripath Technologies wants to change that view. Roads & Infrastructure Reports." Don't miss our latest article in Roads & Infrastructure in Australia/New Zealand as we are discussing our asphalt rejuvenator, ReLIXER, as well as aour range of [...]

By |2025-02-10T18:46:16+00:00July 28th, 2021|Categories: Bitumen Quality, Blog, Case Study / Industry Insights, In The Press|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Asphalt Rejuvenators – Roads and Infrastructure July 2021
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