Repair and Maintenance

  • Sripath provides high-performance products for Repair & Maintenance applications.
  • ReLIXER, our rejuvenator additive, is used to produce hot patch and cold patch mixes. Contractors can incorporate high levels of RAP, up to 100 %, into such Pothole Patching Mixes for road repair applications.
  • ReLIXER is an ideal rejuvenator for Hot-in-Place Recycling applications. Contractors blend freshly generated RAP with ReLIXER in a mobile drum mixer to create a high-RAP hot mix used to re-pave the road.
  • PGXpand, NuMIXER, and ReNUBIT, are all used to formulate superior roofing compounds for Roof Repair & Maintenance applications.

Pothole Patching Compounds Using ReLIXER®

ReLIXER, our rejuvenator additive, is used to produce hot patch and cold patch mixes.  Contractors can incorporate high levels of RAP, up to 100 %, into such Pothole Patching Mixes for road repair applications.

  • Used for both Hot Patch & Cold Patch Applications.

  • Mixes can be tailored to provide high stripping resistance.

  • Cold mixes have extended stockpile life.

  • Avoids use of cutbacks and petroleum-based solvents

Also learn more about Pothole Pitfalls and How To Prevent Imperfections In Roadway Paving with our article!


Hot-In-Place Recycling Using ReLIXER®


ReLIXER is an ideal rejuvenator for Hot-in-Place Recycling applications.  Contractors blend freshly generated RAP with ReLIXER in a mobile drum mixer to create a high-RAP hot mix used to re-pave the road

  • Applicable for structurally sound roadways with no base course damage.

  • Saves time and is significantly lower cost to recondition damaged roadways.

  • Improves roadway performance and prevents further deterioration.

  • Promotes reuse & recycling of reclaimed asphalt. Reduces GHG emissions and carbon footprint.

  • Allows for quick reopening of roadway to traffic.

Roof Repair & Maintenance

PGXpand, NuMIXER, and ReNUBIT, are all used to formulate superior roofing compounds for repair & maintenance of high stress areas on roofs, such as roof scuppers, vertical wall junctions, and roof penetration points.

  • Great Roofing Repair and Mopping Compounds can be formulated.

  • Easy to incorporate additives into manufacturing process.

  • Additives lower viscosity, making it easier to manufacture & easy to apply.

  • Superior dosage efficiency.

  • Excellent low temperature ductility
